Drug trafficking is a major issue that poses a serious threat to humanity. It is important that we must come together and aim for a society free of drug abuse. To emphasize the importance of this day, The Yenepoya School and Yenepoya PU College, conducted a webinar in collaboration with Secret Sharz on drug abuse and its effects on students, expressing our solidarity to help eradicate this social Evil.

Our Principal, Mrs Grace Noronha welcomed the gathering and extended a warm reception to our chief guest , Dr. Loveena Lobo - Director Maffei Centre for PG Studies (Social Sciences) St Aloysius Autonomous Mangalore. Dr. Lobo shared a wonderful presentation explaining the aspects of drug abuse and its effects on students. She shared facts on how drug abuse usually begins in adolescence and the reasons for students to start the usage of drugs. Following this Mr. Antonio Noronha Director of Secret Sharz, elaborated on the issue of Child Trafficking with a display of short video on Nobel Peace Laureate Mr Kailash Sathyarthi who was instrumental in rescuing 87000 children from the clutches of child Traffickers.

Children are the seeds that make our future blossom. Hence we must unite and focus on finding solutions to eradicate drug abuse and its illicit marketing for the sake of the future of our next generation.






On account of this, we at The Yenepoya School and Yenepoya PU College, requested the students to make a poster or a short video, to raise awareness of the dangers of drugs and their use.

We must work towards a drug-free community so that people who want to leave drugs are motivated to get through this menace. No doubt prevention is better than cure. That is why emphasis is on the lives and future of the next generation. We must create a safe space for all the people in a community while working towards a drug-free community.

We have the choice to use the gift of our life to make the world a better place – Jane Goodall.